Author: Jason M. Hough
- NULL (5)
- IN: Injection Burn (2017) Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: I couldn't go. Couldn't be boxed in a ship like that knowing Earth is free again. Everyone's an immune now! That's a party I couldn't miss.
FROM: Skadz, 2285, overheard at Woon's Tavern, (2017), Fictional, NULL
- IN: The Darwin Elevator (2013) Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: They said "The meek shall inherit the Earth" like it would be a good thing.
Thanks a lot, assholes.
FROM: Skadz, 2279, (2013), Fictional, NULL
- IN: The Exodus Towers (2013) Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: Builders? That's a laugh.
All they did was drop a cable and a nasty bug.
You want to call someone a builder,
I say look at Neil Platz.
FROM: Skadz, Darwin, Australia, 2280, (2013), Fictional, NULL